Babette has a heart and love for children! She believes each child is created with a purpose uniquely gifted by God.
Babette has a B.S. in Management from the University of West Florida and a Master’s in Early Childhood Education from George Mason University. Her career background expands over a variety of industries from hospitality, networking systems, sales, law, education and religious entities. Babette has worked as a substitute teacher in the public school systems in the states of Tennessee, Colorado and Virginia but the greatest joy for her was teaching in the preschool setting.
Babette grew up as a Marine brat and married a Marine 30 years ago. The lifestyle of moving on a regular basis allowed her to connect with a variety of educational systems and diverse communities. Her favorite duty station was in Okinawa, Japan, where she grew a strong sense of respect for cultural differences.
Her last move brought her to Herndon, Virginia, in 2001. She was the Children’s Ministries Director at The Church of the Epiphany for over nine years. She implemented several exciting children’s programs, such as Surfin’ Girls, Talitha Koume and Battleground/Field Training. Additionally, she strengthened the existing programs of Little Women and Vacation Bible School. In 2005, she was introduced to Compassion International and became an advocate for them. She currently sponsors seven children in Tanzania and two children in Rwanda. She has been blessed to visit all of her sponsored children.
In 2009, Babette started Epiphany Preschool where she was both the director and a classroom teacher. The school quickly grew to 18 students by the years end and more than doubled to 55 students the following year.
During this time, God placed upon her heart the desire to continue her education.
While attending classes at George Mason University, she experienced the growing need and demand in the public school system to reach a diverse group of students. The importance of expanding education into the early years of childhood and to teach multiple languages at once became the vision of Logos Academy.
Babette gives all glory to God for His faithfulness, power and guidance in putting Logos Academy into existence. She is grateful for the love, support and prayers from her husband, two children, family and friends during this process and is extremely excited to see how God will continue to work through her to build the community of Logos Academy.